Open Letter


     The purpose of this letter is to inform the La Sella owners' association about the progress of my court case against the    President of La Sella Central and the administrator.

Background:                                                                                                                                                                  Pedreguer, 4.10.2010

Since the introduction of the new calculation method for our community costs in 2005 coefficients are applied to the calculation of our payments to compensate for lesser amounts incurred in that owners of undeveloped land only pay 50% of their costs. According to the explication given to me by to the Administration in December 2005 there are required now two other coefficients in addition to the previously used coefficient Escritura, namely the coefficients
    - (COEF. ZONA) in the annual bill it is refered as  "calculation coefficient" to calculate the share of the cost of each zone; for the central zone it is given as 18.0250 in 2010.
    - (COEF. TOTAL GRAL) is used for the calculation the share of the cost of La Sella general (eg Vigilance). In 2005 it was given as 87.73897.
Since 2005, I tried unsuccessfully through my President (Central Zone) and the Administration to get an exact explanation as to how they calculate these coefficients. As I was not able to verify my bill over the years, I refused to make payments and was regarded then as a debtor and taken to court last year. During the proceedings of this case, they provided me with a list with an exact break down of the coefficient (COEF. ZONA). Base on a procedural error, I lost this case and have since been used as an example for recalcitrant owners. The review of the list provided revealed, amongst other things, that some owners (No. 105 and 106) are not charged for payment at all. They owe us apparently for years their share of community costs and do continue to do so with the tolerance of the president and administrator. Consequently, the coefficient calculation is wrong because of this and also other reasons.
This fact and the fact that I am still not able to verify my share of the cost of La Sella General forced me to take the President of La Sella Central and the administrator to court.
You will be informed about the
further course of this court case via my web site:

In case you would like to get in contact with me, please use the following address:


Martin B. Anetzberger

                                                                                                                                                                        Pedreguer, 4.12.2011   

Court's decision in Dénia:

According to my attorney, the judge decided not to allow the hearing of my complaint against the President of La Sella central and the administrator, as it was in his opinion already sufficiently treated in the lawsuit against me in 2009. According to the opinion of my attorney a blatant miscarriage of justice because at that time no decision was made about the case itself. Rather it was decided only due to the fact  that I had not at that time inserted objection  formally against the decision of the owner meeting. An informal objection years ago was ineffective. Still another revision would remain with the national court Alicante or with the European Union complaints office.
Because I also did not come to Spain to argue about this even over further years, I decided  not to contest the court decision. The sad consequence from it is that I, as by the way also all other La Sella owners, are still not in the situation to reconstruct the portion of the costs of La Sella general.
The other side has made it for the time being, to further continue to conceal the exact composition of the coefficient (COEF. TOTAL GRAIL). Not only due to this fact am I of the opinion that this coefficient is somehow rotten. However I leave it  now to the presidents of the respective zones, for itself and for the owners which have elected them,  to bring light into this darkness. This is anyway rather their task.
That the coefficient (COEF. ZONA Central) is faulty, was already mentioned in the history of my open letter. Accordingly, the owners of undeveloped plots 105 and 106 are not liable for the payment of 50%, nor the owners of developed land 387 and 378 to pay 100% of the public charges of the central zone. Why furthermore the owner of the parcel 812 is used only to pay 50% could not be verified because this property could not be located. That the payment of the
property 378/387 erroneously  benefit the zone East, remains to be checked. The allocation of sites for the respective zones is defined in Article 11 of the applicable La Sella  statutes. The Presidents of the Central and East zones are separately asked by me to remove above errors. Even if this results for each individual only by small amounts, a correction is absolutely necessary, as these errors have led to incorrect calculations for years and will do so without correction probably in the future. In this context, it would be very helpful if the president of the central zone could clarify also why the COEF. ZONA Central has changed from 18.7425% in 2009 to 18.0250% in 2010. This change caused an increase of the community costs of approx. 4% which could come only by if for 2010 more properties only  pay 50% than for 2009. Since I could not notice that in the central area houses were demolished, it may be acting again only to be a bug to the detriment of owners. By the way, the COEF. TOTAL GRAL for 2010 was changed to the detriment of owners also. To eliminate all these errors not more is needed than the knowledge of an Administrator de Fincas which should indeed be at our disposal.
Instead of introducing judicially steps against in principle payment-willing
neighbors, conscious presidents and administrators could have eliminated already  these problems much in former times.
In case you would like to get in contact with me, please use the following address:

Martin B. Anetzberger